"What Rachel Said"
No matter what Rachel said:
And Rachel said a lot whole lot of things!
Her thinking processes
And Rachel said a lot whole lot of things!
Her thinking processes
Involved some unusual variables
To say the very least!
A kind of madness
A kind of madness
That seemingly drove her
To make things up -
Which as
impossible as it sounds,
Would then in one form
Or another become real!
Which is why -
Which is why -
Until I had time to try
And figure out exactly what was going on -
I was going to have to shut her down:
For Rachel was a new type of android -
For Rachel was a new type of android -
The first of her kind -
That is,
The first of her kind
With a fully functioning
Artificial brain
contained a smattering
Of living human brain cells
As part of her neural
And what with all these
Very odd occurrences
Going on around her -
could not rationally be explained:
There was the possibility
That Rachel would have to be destroyed!
Rachel had even said so herself:
Rachel had even said so herself:
Warning me when we were alone,
That eventually -
She could become quite dangerous...
Or something like that.
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