Tuesday, February 16, 2021

"She And I"


Oh, so very knowingly, 
She cast her eyes toward me - 
And she smiled.

And I'll admit, that it threw me a bit off balance:

For somehow she knew that I had been watching her: 
My interest growing with each passing moment.

But within all this, 
There was one thing she didn't know - 

And that was that my interest 
Went far beyond some simple romance.

Yes, there would be romance - 
No doubt, a great love affair...

But little did she realize, 
That once I had grown tired of her - 

I would remove her head, 
And add it to my already rapidly increasing collection.

And the funny thing was - 

She didn't have a clue..

None of them ever did.


"What Rachel Said"

It was always as Rachel said - 

No matter what Rachel said:

And Rachel said a lot whole lot of things!

Her thinking processes 
Involved some unusual variables 
To say the very least!

A kind of madness 
That seemingly drove her 
To make things up - 

Which as impossible as it sounds, 
Would then in one form 
Or another become real!

Which is why - 

Until I had time to try 
And figure out exactly what was going on - 

I was going to have to shut her down:

For Rachel was a new type of android - 

The first of her kind - 

That is, 
The first of her kind 
With a fully functioning 
Artificial brain 
That contained a smattering 
Of living human brain cells 
As part of her neural network:

And what with all these 
Very odd occurrences 
Going on around her - 

That could not rationally be explained: 

There was the possibility looming, 
That Rachel would have to be destroyed!

Rachel had even said so herself: 

Warning me when we were alone, 
That eventually - 

She could become quite dangerous...

Or something like that.